Yeah Yeah, I'm off to another late Monday "morning" start. Gimme a break, the girl had a lonnnnnngggg weekend. LOL. The details are kind of a blur, but I must take the time out to thank a few people.
Firstly, thanks to all of the linen-clad partygoers who came out to support the 6th Annual Damone Brown B-day Bash up in Buffalo, NY this Saturday. The night was incredible! Another great Get Fresh Production event. And special thanks to the staff at The Stillwater, "Buffalo Best Upscale Bar" guys were awesome! Ans of course D.T. and the Late Nite Noise fam. If you live in upstate NY and you missed it keep kicking yourself. LOL.
Secondly, I have to give a special shout out to all of my Universoul Circus fam! Yes, believe it or not before the chick was a blogger, she was an elephant-riding showgirl! I got a chance to catch the new show last night and it was amazing! Shout out to Mr. & Mrs. Walker, Deneise, Econuel amd the whole gang. Keep it up! I miss those days of starting every morning hearing Shuckey Duckey yelling "When I say "Big Top" ya'll say "Circus!" LOL. Good times.
Brandi is a digital content creator and founder of She shares content realted to travel, fashion and beauty. When she is not blogging she is sharing her adventures via her Youtube channel PrettyPRChickTV.
Hey Fam! I'm Brandi. Welcome to I'm a content creator from Buffalo, NY. My passions are traveling to beautiful countries, bold lipsticks and beautiful clothes. My blog is to share with you my adventures, daily outfit ideas and beauty obsessions.