1. Do you consider yourself to be shady? Be honest. 2. Do you screen your calls or do you just pick up? 3. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you like spending time alone? 4. How do you handle pop-up visits to your home? 5. How many extreme pet peeves would you say that you possess? 6. What is your number one pet peeve and why? 7. What is the worst gift you have ever received? 8. How often do you find yourself in tears? 9. How long did your worst relationship last? 10. Who ended the relationship, and did you remain friends with them?
Brandi is a digital content creator and founder of PrettyPRChick.com. She shares content realted to travel, fashion and beauty. When she is not blogging she is sharing her adventures via her Youtube channel PrettyPRChickTV.
Hey Fam! I'm Brandi. Welcome to PrettyPRChick.com. I'm a content creator from Buffalo, NY. My passions are traveling to beautiful countries, bold lipsticks and beautiful clothes. My blog is to share with you my adventures, daily outfit ideas and beauty obsessions.